Posted on 7th January 2020

Chichester Art Trail Brochure Design

07/01/20Chichester Art Trail Brochure Design

Profile Design have designed the Chichester art trail brochure for the last 3 years and we are about to begin work on the 2020 trail guide.

The Chichester Art Trail has grown significantly over the years and now includes over 160 artists from Chichester and the surrounding area. The Art Trail takes place on the first 2 weekends in May each year. Thousands of visitors will pass through the many open studios on the trail.

Chichester Art Trail artists

The Trail Features artists from a multitude of disciplines these include; Painting, Textiles, Ceramics, Printmaking, Sculpture, Jewellery, Photography, Glassware, Collage and Wood to name a few. For visitors this a chance to meet artists in their own environment and purchase original artwork direct. For artists the Art Trail is a unique opportunity to reach an appreciative audience and sell work.

Chichester Art Trail Guide design

The Chichester Art Trail guide is designed and printed in DL format. The guide is structured into 6 regional geographic zones, each zone section begins with a map indicating each venue on the trail. The guide also features an alphabetical listing of all the artists and a numbered ‘artist by venue’ listing.

The Art Trail Guide design features 4 artists per page. Each page includes a short description of the artists work and a single photograph with directions to the relevant studio.

Chichester Art Trail Guide formats

Profile Design have looked at using larger formats for this publication, including A5 landscape. We have also produced a version that is perfect bound rather than saddle stitched. At around 80 pages the publication is quite bulky. However the DL format makes the Art Trail guide ideal to slip into a coat pocket, a good feature when out and about on the trail.

We are looking forward to working on the design for this year’s guide. We hope that each year we take the design forward and make it a better publication for the end users.



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