Posted on 29th April 2014

Chichester Sign Design

29/04/14Chichester Sign Design

Chichester Sign Design

The most recent update of the heritage Sign Design around Chichester include the design of these information boards in Priory park, Chichester, giving an historical overview of some of the park’s features as well as general information. These sign designs complement the recent information panels we designed as part of the City Walls heritage Trail.

Profile Design have been producing information graphics for the city and district council for a number of years, recent sign and information board design includes:

  • Interpretation panels around city walls
  • Pavement markers for City Walls Trail
  • Bronze Threshold markers for City Walls
  • Etched panel designs for key historical points
  • Oak framed lectern and information panel design for The Guildhall
  • Oak framed lectern and information panel design for Jubilee Park

As well as the sign design and artwork of the information graphics themselves, we have also been responsible on some of these projects for sourcing the oak or steel sign hardware and organising the installation. With most of these sign design projects there are a number of considerations that affect the final design and decision on materials, in the main these are legibility, clarity, longevity and weather resistance, protection against vandalism and ease of maintenance.

Some of the interpretation panels we designed and supplied between 10 and 20 years ago are still in good shape, nemely the Roman Amphitheatre panel at and the Smugglers Information Board on Broyle Road. There are also turist information panels in a few of the Chichester city centre car parks that are still looking good – although from an information perspective do need updating!

Some of the interpretation panels we designed and supplied between 10 and 20 years ago are still in good shape, nemely the Roman Amphitheatre panel at and the Smugglers Information Board on Broyle Road. There are also turist information panels in a few of the Chichester city centre car parks that are still looking good – although from an information perspective do need updating!

For more information or costs on any information panel or sign design and display design projects call us on 01243 537444


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