07/07/12Schoolsworks logo design
Schoolsworks Logo design
Profile have just successfully completed the logo design and branding for Schoolsworks, an organisation specialising in helping schools in Chichester and Bognor, West Sussex become academies. initially as part of the design brief it was suggested we include cogs into the design, having submitted design options that included this element, we also included some more fluid, friendly, less industrial design
We are now in the process of applying the new logo to a range of stationary, brochures and other materials.
Logo design options
As part of the design process we usually produce up to fifty varying design options as we work through what works and what doesn’t, playing with fonts and typestyles, colours, icons and illustration, reversing out of blocks, mono versions, embossing, the list goes on. Invariably many if not most of these are discarded along the way, ensuring what is presented to the client is what we feel as designers are the best options. We have found that presenting too many design options tends to cloud good decision making, particularly when presenting to more than one or two people. In a situation where we are presenting to a board of executives or a panel we have found that offering a choice of unto three or four design variants really ensures a good decision is made. We usually work with the commissioning individual from the organisation to agree this shortlist.
Design by Committee
There have been instances where we have presented logo design options to large committees where everyone gets to have a say, usually we are then asked to incorporate five or more opinions on colour, font and other elements into one final design, more often than not the resulting decision is a compromised, weaker design choice. The best results in these situations are when there is democratic process, but ultimately one or at most two final decision makers.