Posted on 29th February 2016

Social Media promotion

29/02/16Social Media promotion

Just delivered are these eye catching social media promotion cards designed for The Crab & Lobster and Halfway Bridge, social media has become essential in communicating who you are and what you do, as well as directing people to your website. These cards are designed to be noticed and picked up…and hopefully translate that initial curiosity into direct traffic to Facebook, Twitter and the respective websites.

Social Media promotion and SEO

Many believe that links to your website via social media accounts have an impact on your rankings. Links are achieved through developing original content that is shared across social media. Links to your content on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube and other social networks help the search engines understand what websites are credible.

Social media channels can feel more personal than websites, and they’re a great way to gauge a company’s personality. When researching a company many go straight to their Twitter or Facebook page to find what they’re looking for. If a social media account link shows up at the top of the search results, it is as likely be to clicked as a web address.

Brands that lend themselves to beautiful visual content can benefit from making their content visible in Pinterest and Instagram. Facebook is a great platform for sharing news, offers that are ideally visual with not so much text content. The web is all about relationships, encouraging audiences, expressing identity and ideas, it is inherently social.


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